21 Volunteers Still Arrested by Israeli Military

A total of 21 volunteers who attempt to break through Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip are still arrested by Israeli security forces and have not been deported.

"There are 21 volunteers who joined assistance fleet refused to be discharged. After the investigation is completed, they will be deported," said a spokeswoman for Israel's Interior Ministry Sabine Haddad, told AFP on Monday (11/07/2011).

Previously, Israel blocked two aid ships to Gaza, and arrested 27 people. Israel has delivered six others who are citizens of Israel, two Greek citizens, and three journalists who came from Egypt, Spain, and the United States (U.S.).

 Meanwhile, 21 people are still arrested by Israel are citizens of Australia, Britain, Canada, Ireland, and the U.S. Until now, there is no news about the condition of 21 volunteers.

According to Israel, the two ships entered the territorial waters and ignore Israeli military warnings. Catching these volunteers also criticized from people in Gaza.

Both aid ships departed from Turkey's in the past week; however there is no guard as promised by Turkey in September. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is one who is very opposed to the blockade of the Gaza Strip; he also had said he would guard any aid ships that went to Gaza with its warships.

Basically, Turkey very angry with the attack on the ship volunteers, Mavi Marmara in 2010. Turkey and Israel relations were increasingly strained until today.

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