Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg became one of the strongest figures in the world. In the list of 'The World's Most Powerful People' Forbes version, Zuckerberg at 9 place.
This annual ranking includes big names in politics, celebrities, religious leaders, billionaires, and others. And this year, at age 27, Zuckerberg has been side by side with other influential figures that had long poor across their respective fields.
Yes, Zuckerberg became the youngest person on the list. He was also 'jumping' the highest in the Forbes list. Quoted from ZDNet, Sunday (11/06/2011), he jumped from position 40 in 2010. Forbes estimates his net worth had reached USD 17.5 billion.
A number of factors measured by Forbes to get the names such as how many people who are under their authority, financial resources and how active they are using their authority. From the names collected, U.S. President Barack Obama became on top position Forbes list.
While other technology experts who filled out 'The World's Most Powerful People ' in addition to Zuckerberg is the founder of Microsoft Bill Gates at number 5. Then there are duo Google Sergey Brin and Larry Page (30), Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos (40), Baidu CEO, Robin Li (42) and Apple CEO, Tim Cook (58).
For Zuckerberg itself, Forbes said, "What CIA failed to do in 60 years, Zuck has been do it in 7 years. Understand what they think, read and listened to by 800 million people. What are they like, where they lived, traveling to shopping, "Forbes said in a statement.
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