Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made his comments in Egypt newspaper which states, Israel and the West, particularly the United States (U.S.) fear of Iran's military buildup.
Ahmadinejad's statement comes in the middle of Israeli plan to attack Iran. Iran was again accused the U.S. and Israel were working together to discredit Iran and destroy relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
"Yes, we have different military capabilities of each country in our region. Iran improves its military capabilities to be able to beat Israel, West, and especially the U.S. The U.S. fear of Iran's military capabilities," said Ahmadinejad, told Reuters on Monday (11/ 7/2011).
Ahmadinejad reiterated that Iran does not have a nuclear bomb. Iran's nuclear intended for power plants.
"Israel was the one who has 300 nuclear weapons. Iran only uses nuclear for peaceful purposes," he added.
The Iranian president is also re-commenting on the U.S allegations related to the murder plan of. Saudi Arabia Ambassador, which involves two people of Iran. Ahmadinejad said the United States fear the close relations of Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Iran had previously been confirmed, they will always be ready to face any attack from Israel. Iran would attack back if Israel even really launched attacks on Iran's nuclear facilities
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