Make Money Online - My Story

For almost three years, I try to find the most appropriate way to make money online. Visiting internet cafes every day just to find the latest information on how to make money through the internet. Visit from one website to another website, and download a free ebook. However, it still makes me unhappy.

Until finally I decided to create a personal blog on BlogSpot to make money online. Why did I choose BlogSpot? Because I was new and had a lot to learn, fortunately I find a specific blog that discusses tips and tricks to manage a blog based on BlogSpot. Slowly I began to understand and carry out all that written on the blog.

After a while optimizing the blog, I decided to register it in Entrecard. By registering on Entrecard, I wish there was a huge visitors who visiting my blog and on the other hand I can also earn money even with small amount. To receive payment from Entrecard I must have PayPal account. My first Make money online from Entrecard.

 Successful (I think) make money online through Entrecard, I try to register my blog in the PTR (paid to Review) program: SponsoredReview, buyblogreview and Blogsvertise. All three gave satisfactory results and unexpected. Now, I only follow one PTR program, Blogsvertise, because the rules more lax than others.

Do not stop on the PTR, I tried to explore my skills to make money online by selling T-Shirt on Ebay. With a little skill with Photoshop, I began to learn to design for the T-shirt, which I will sell. 3 months with Ebay, my income increased drastically and I decided to buy a laptop with money from selling on Ebay.

Because the rules that I think is very detrimental to sellers, I decided to leave Ebay and try to learn Forex (High Risk, High Gain) online. I joined one of the forex forums online and start learning by opening a demo account. 3 months on a demo account, I immediately decided to open a real account to make money online.

Again, I was tempted to learn something new, this time I tried to scoop up the dollar through There are still no satisfactory results until I publish this article. In addition, today, Google adsense is my main choice to make money online.

Whatever your choice to make money online, make sure you stay focused according to the goals and targets as your plan

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