Microsoft Security Essentials Free - With anti-virus application, you will get high-quality comprehensive protection against viruses and spyware, including Trojans, worms, and other malicious software. Antivirus Application Microsoft Security Essentials Free is very easy to install and easy to use. Updates and upgrades automatically, so no need to worry about the latest protection. It is easy to know that you are protected - when the icon Microsoft Security Essentials is colored green, your status is secure. Just that simple.
Overall, at the time of testing, this program only takes sekitar4 minutes for the installation process.
Same practice Microsoft Security Essentials Free Antivirus will protect you, and will do well. However, this program will remind your system performance.
System Requirements for Microsoft Security Essentials Free:
Operating system: Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP.
Download Microsoft Security Essentials Free here