Giant internet search, Google, launched, an experiment in the Chrome browser, which presents the Ramayana epic story yesterday. Classic story of India which popular in Southeast Asia was adapted to a web browser with HTML5 and JavaScript with interactive animations.
"The story is retold in various versions, through the art of dance, puppets, as well as through movies and TV series," written in Google's release received yesterday. "Google has adapted the Ramayana to which high-tech modern world."
To give a modern twist on this ancient story, Google uses its products, such as Maps, Chat, and Chrome special elements, such as Incognito Mode and Omnibox. For example, when Shinta father make an official announcement to find a man, which deign to woo her, he announced to the entire kingdom through Google Chat.
When Ravana tried to trap Shinta disguised as a monk, Ravana uses Chrome Incognito Mode that lets him get a different identity.
As described, Google inspired by Chrome experiment that redesigning a music video, such as The Wilderness Center and Three Dreams of Black. In this case, the basic plot and character of Ramayana adapted to the present, such as communicating with friends via chat or find new locations through Google Maps.
So far, Google Chrome becomes the most widely used browser worldwide. According to the StatCounter site, Chrome record traffic of about 32.76 percent, while Internet Explorer, whose existence is directly available on the Windows operating system, only about 31.94 percent. Recorded the largest users of Chrome are from Asia and South America. In South America, the use of Chrome reaches 50 percent.
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