Already know the dangerous but still done. Conditions seemed perfect to describe the attitudes of the individuals who are already addicted to nicotine in cigarettes.
Researchers from the NHS smokefree in new research reveals, as much as 53 percent of smokers tend to underestimate the risk of death due to disease triggered due to the habit of smoking. In fact, as much as 58 percent of smokers also tend to underestimate the risk of premature death caused by smoking.
"And, again, 8 percent of those surveyed did not realize that smoking can seriously impact to the health or cause premature death," said NHS researcher.
Not only that. The findings also indicate disregard smokers, related to how much money they spent just to buy a pack of cigarettes.
"Stop smoking is the best thing you can do to improve your health in the new year. Clearly, that the majority of smokers want to quit smoking and the NHS willing to help them stop forever," said UK Health Minister Anne Milton.
In Indonesia, according to the Health Research Association, in 2007 and 2010, there was a trend of increasing age started smoking at a younger age. Riskesdas Data 2010 shows, the age of first smoking at the age of 5-9 years at 1.7 percent, ages 10-14 years at 17.5 percent, ages 15-19 years by 43 percent, ages 20-24 years 14.6 sbesar percent, 35-29 years of 4.3 percent and the age of 30 years and over 3.9 percent.