Thin hair around the body is sometimes interfering with the performance. Let us treat with the proper and safe manner.
Have white and soft skin is every woman dream. Thin hair that is not intentionally grown in the area around the arms, underarms, upper lips and legs, sometimes interfere with the performance. Therefore, various techniques of hair removal are much ogled one of them, wax.
Wax is the technique of unwanted hair smooth removal. Missing up until the roots thus slowing the growth of new hair on the skin, such as in the arms, legs, armpits to the upper lip. Wax commonly performed in many famous salons, but if it is not enough time for visiting salon, wax at home could be the right solution. In addition to inexpensive and practical.
Waxing has some type and have the basic materials and workmanship are different, such as waxing using hot wax that has been heated and liquid form. Sugaring technique or melt the sugar until caramelized and liquid form. And cold waxing, newest waxing techniques and ready for use. Products can be found at the nearest supermarket and not have to heat the base material to remove fine hairs.
Here are step by step to waxing at home.
1. Clean the area that will be waxed by using lotions or warm water using a damp cloth.
2. Sprinkle the powder on the side would be useful so that when the wax sugaring wax is not too dry and comfortable.
3. Apply sugaring wax that can be made yourself at home. Prepare one cup of sugar with water 1 / 4 cup lemon juice and 1 / 4 cup, stirring gently until sugar has dissolved and formed a little caramel. Then using a spatula, apply to the part that will be in the wax with a bottom-up position or the direction of hair growth. Let stand for 1 minute.
4. After that cap has been applied to the sugaring wax with a cloth made of linen or fabric with a coarse fibers, while holding, press and drag from the bottom up quickly.
5. Once done set aside areas that have been wax in few minutes, then smeared lotion to all parts that have been waxed.
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