Although prostitution is actually illegal in the Philippines, several clinics run by government secretly perform health checks on sex workers. In fact, who have never had sex will be give a certificate of virginity.
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One of the Kenney statements in the letter, the government health clinic, Angeles City, provides a certificate of virginity and sexual health status of workers at a nightclub. This activity is secret, because prostitution is actually illegal in the Philippines.
"The report from the embassy immigration in Manila's said, several bars, hotels and private clinics to cooperate with the government clinic to facilitate prostitution,” Kenney wrote in the document, as quoted from CBNnews, Monday (23/09/2011).
The clinics run secretly in order to control the transmission of genital infections. By doing a routine check, the clinic will be easy to monitor the spread of infection among sex workers.
Not only check the status of virginity and sexual health, government health clinics also provide specialize training. Materials on safe sex, including how to pair condoms secretly to the customer and do not be caught.
The use of condoms, both male condom and female condom believed to be quite effective in preventing transmission of genital infections including Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, customers are often difficult to ask to use condoms, because they think it will be reduce the sensation.
This finding is more horrendous because some time ago, U.S. Ambassador Harry Thomas said that 40 percent of foreign men who visiting the Philippines to have sex. In fact, according to Thomas, some Philippine officials involve in the illegal sex trade.
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