PS Vita Announcement

The PS Vita will allow players to continue their favourite games on the go. This new platform features two analogue sticks, front and rear touch pads, Sixaxis accelerometer support, front and rear cameras for augmented reality experiences. There will be both a Wi-Fi and 3G models, allowing constant online gaming. A new mode called Party Room will also be included, allowing players to communicate within chat rooms while playing. Near will act as a social networking function for the PS Vita, allowing players to chat and share information over the PlayStation Network. The PS Vita will also feature Cloud support, as well as cross platform functionality with the PS3.

ps vita

One of the titles that was shown in a live demo for the PS Vita was Uncharted: Golden Abyss. The game looks incredible on the PS Vita, with visuals that could rival the PS3 version of the game. As stated by the developers, the production value for Uncharted games is very high. Touch screen integration can be used in various aspects, including melee combat, movement and much more. One thing that was important during development was to make the game assessable to Uncharted fans, so that they could simply pick up and play. The motto for the game is “Play as you want”, which means that players will be able to control Drake in various different ways. The gameplay is immediately familiar to Uncharted fans, and it seems exactly like it’s console counterpart.

Another launch title that is sure to spark some interest is Little Big Planet for PS Vita. The Play.Create.Share nature of LBP will be making its way to the PS Vita, with all no features as well as all the creation tools from LBP 2. There is no limit on the creativity options available, and now LBP developers will be able to continue creating various games and levels on the go.

Now steering away from Sony published games, Capcom unveiled Street Fighter X Tekken for the PS Vita. As a surprise announcement, Cole from InFamous 2 will be on the roster for the upcoming fighting game, with a live demo showing off some of the awesome combos you can perform with him. From what was shown, the animations are smooth and the graphical style to extremely similar to that of Street Fighter 4.

With more than 80 titles in development from a range of developers such as Ubisoft, EA, Activision, the PS Vita is looking extremely promising. But where is the catch? Oh right, the pricing. How much will one of these technical beauties set you back? If you looking at a Wi-Fi only model, the price will be around $249.99, which is around R1700.00 at today’s conversion rate. The 3G/ Wi-Fi model will cost only $50.00 more, coming to a R2050.00 total. With all that it has to offer, I think that the prices revealed are extremely realistic and well suited to the average consumer. This could prove to be the PS Vita’s best selling point; providing an unparalleled portable experience at a reasonable price. Expect more coverage and demos on this amazing device in the days to come.

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