Crop Circles Phenomenon in Sleman, Jogjakarta

Crop circles or symmetrical pattern that forms in rice fields Berbah, Sleman,Jogjakarta, allegedly formed on Saturday night, January 22, 2011. Ngadiran (60 years), one of the owners of the fields, states, on Saturday midnight was seen rice in the fields collapse.

"Do not know what time it happened," like he said near the scene, Monday, January 24, 2011.

Initially, Ngadiran think rice collapsed because of large animal passed down from Merapi. But the next morning, after seeing a portrait from a boy named Rozi who take the picture from higher ground, shows that rice was collapsed to form fractal-like mysterious details.
The owner of the other fields, Fahrurrozi, stating that the pattern runs in six fields box. One box measuring 10x10 meter field.

Now the rice field area where the crop circle formed surrounded with line rope by villagers. There should be no incoming.

Local residents, Edi Winarno, who had entered the location with the owner of the field tell his testimony. He said, the pattern formed is very neat, no broken rice. "At that time there was warm soil, if the shape is like a spaceship," said Edi.

But Edi doubt if it is due to a mysterious pattern of UFO landings. "But the problem is under Previous page cable network, how the plane could land?" he said.

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