PCMAV-1.2 is the best antivirus software in indonesia at this time that can detect variant viruses that infect computer, found approximately 1900 kinds of virus that can detected by pcmav. Ability of PCMAV to detect virus better when combined with ClamAV(opensource antivirus software for Unix under GPL lisence), has virus database achieves 200.000 more.
Combination PCMAV with ClamAV will affect in the long detection file process(cause of large database from ClamAV) and will need larger memory.
Myself do effort combining PCMAV with ClamAV, and result is PCMAV can detect approximately 289.939 kind of viruses.
Combination steps PCMAV with ClamAV:
2. make one new folder and extract file PCMAV-1.2 into new folder (change folder name pcmav appropriate your willing, for example Trial).
3. download file ClamAV-win32-vc6-0.92 here
4. extract zip file ClamAV-win32-vc6-0.92 into folder Trial that contain file PCMAV-1.2.
File at extract from file zip ClamAV-win32-vc6-0.92:
- libclamav. etc
- pthreadvc2. etc
- libclamunrar. etc
- libclamunrar_iface. etc
5. download file main.cvd here
right click link, then 'save as" .( save file main. cvd intoTrial folder )
6. download file daily.cvd here
right click link, then 'save as" . (save file daily.cvd into Trial folder )
7. Ascertain at folder Trial found file:
a. pcmav-cln. exe
b. pcmav-rtp. exe
c. libclamav. etc
e. libclamunrar. etc
f. libclamunrar_iface. etc
g. pthreadvc2. etc
h. main. vcd
i. daily. vcd
j. readme. txt(from pcmav-1.2)
8. To run program antivirus PCMAV-1.2, click PCMAV-CLN.exe.
When PCMAV-1.2 success integration with ClamAV, so will come up information will hit database ClamAV in column “PCMAV informations” and now you can use pcmav like usually (belong RTP), of course with more virus database.
Setup PCMAV-1.2 with ClamAV
Unknown, Sunday, May 18, 20081. download file PCMAV-1.2 here