What is Diaper Rash and the Best Creams for your baby

Being a new mom can be so overwhelming. So many new things to learn, added stress, lack of sleep and even worry over the health and well-being of their new little one. Diaper rash is a common occurence in babies, so we want to share the best information, tips for prevention, ways to treat it and even some ideas from moms who know! Don't forget to pass along these important tips to EVERYONE who cares for your baby- daycare providers, nannies, babysitters, and even Dad and Grandma!

What is diaper rash?
Diaper rash is very common in babies, particularly when they're between nine and 12 months old. So, at some stage of parenthood, you're likely to unwrap your baby's diaper and be confronted with a rather tender-looking bottom. It can happen whether you use washable or disposable diapers.

What does diaper rash look like?
If your baby has diaper rash, you'll know it (if you're still unsure, google and you will see some really awful images). Her skin will look red and inflamed where it's been in close contact with her diaper. The rash will probably affect her genitals, the outer skin on the folds of her thighs, and her bottom. The affected areas can appear either dry or moist and may sometimes look shiny or pimply.

What causes diaper rash?
The main cause of diaper rash is wetness from contact with pee and poo in a diaper. Newborns pee often and have frequent, runny stools. A bout of diarrhea, extra sensitive skin, leaving a diaper on too long can all trigger diaper rash.

Treating Diaper Rash:
If your baby has a diaper rash:

Penaten, Aveeno, Destinin, Calmoseptin, Butt Paste and Sudocream were top over-the-counter recommendations

Minimize mild rashes with baking soda and vaseline mixed into a paste.

See you pediatrician if these ideas are not helping to improve the rash. Sometimes it is an allergic reaction and not a diaper rash. For severe rashes, they can also prescribe stronger ointment.

Try natural remedies:
1. Coconut oil! Several moms found this natural remedy works really well! This also might work on ezcema, replace vaseline and dry skin too!
2. Cornstarch
3. Olive oil
4. Natural cream- here's a great simple recipe http://www.measuringflower.com/2013/08/homemade-allnatural-oatmeal-diaper-rash-cream/
5. Epsom salts or baking soda in bath water

How long will it take to heal, once I've treated it?

A normal diaper rash should clear up after three or four days of home treatment. If the rash doesn’t clear up after three or four days, or worsens, ask your doctor for her advice. It might be a rash caused by an allergy and need a different medication.

Preventing Diaper Rash: Here is advice from our momstown Facebook moms;
The best defense against diaper rash is a dry bottom.
Clean and dry your baby's delicate tushy after every pee or poo!

Naked time! Nothing helps your baby's sensitive little bottom like exposure to the air! Give your baby as much diaper-free time as you can. It’s being in a diaper that causes the problem in the first place.

You could switch to a super-absorbent disposable diapers to try to restrict the amount of moisture next to your baby’s skin.

Change your baby's diaper regularly and as soon as possible after she’s had a pee or a poo.

No baby wipes in the first month or ever!!! Several moms used soft cloths and warm water with every change. One mom recommends soft baby bum cloths that are not only inexpensive but gentle on baby (Walmart baby section) and warm water only.

Clean your baby's genitals and bottom thoroughly after each poo. Check your baby's skin is clean and dry before putting on a new diaper.

Apply a thin layer of ointment to your baby's bottom after each diaper change.

Don't use talcum powder (commonly called baby powder). It won't protect against diaper rash and can cause friction and irritate your baby's skin.

Fasten diapers loose enough so that there's room for air to circulate round your baby's bottom.

Most commercial diaper creams are “barrier creams”. They act as a layer of protection to use to prevent a rash.

Some moms use breast milk collected in a cup and pat some on a dry bum to prevent and treat diaper rash.

Cloth diapers over disposables makes a huge difference say several momstown moms. If you are currently using disposables, consider switching to cloth or another brand of disposables.

Use a preventative barrier like vaseline or a gentle diaper cream with every change (be sure to tell providers, Dad and Grandma if they do lots of changes).

If a basic diaper rash isn't treated, it can develop into something more serious, including:

A yeast infection or a bacterial infection. See your doctor if treatments suggested above, are not working.

Additional sources: BabyCenter.ca & momstown-moments.momstown.ca

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