4 Activities That Can Trigger Body Weight Increase

Additional fat in the body can be triggered by many different things. Daily activities to some special moments can potentially increase your scale figures. Beware of 4 types of activity.

When the holidays arrive is vulnerable during weight gain. Since the holiday is a fun activity, not a few who loosen diet for fun. There's nothing wrong with that, but do not be surprised if the needle scales fueled some numbers. Vacations or going home to the family was always filled with a feast of food.

Vacations to a particular place are also often a culinary event. The temptation to eat delicious foods that you rarely encounter it is difficult to avoid. But still there is a trick to keep your weight.

First, limit the amount. Treat yourself to just one meal times in a day. As much as possible choose a breakfast or lunch, because after that you are busy with other activities and can help burn calories.

Second, be active. Vacations is time to relax, but if you just finished eating a high calorie foods, balanced with activities that burn calories. Swimming, walk exploring the area, or cycling around the getaways can be enjoyable alternative.

Third, pay attention to balance. Choose one; dessert, main dish, or drink that will pamper your tongue. If you decide order main meal with rich in calories, balance with no-calorie beverages such as water. The main meal was accompanied with the sweet cold drinks, and desserts that will make you successful fat stores more fat reserves in the waist.

Broken heart
Breakup is very annoying. Some people lose weight, but not a few also who gained weight since left by their lover. How could I not? When your heart sad, you looking for comfort in many ways. Food is the easiest distraction for people who breakup.

The assumption, you're sad so it's okay to pamper yourself with ice cream, chocolate, or high fat foods that can make you more comfortable. Moreover, feelings of loneliness after breakup often makes you just want to shut yourself in the house. The best friend at that time was food that can make your heart happy. Unnoticed, secretly widening waistlines too.

It certainly could be avoided. Make heartbreak as motivation to make yourself better. With new looks and better character, it could be your ex will regret with their decision. Consider appearance and plan some activities to improve yourselves. In addition, try to stay active and not shut yourself in the house. By staying active, you can get more things to distract and make you more positive.

Sleep late
Not a few studies linking lack of sleep with weight gain. The state of sleep deprivation makes the production of the hormone cortisol and the desire to looking for snacks increases. Eating high calorie foods at night as chocolate, potato chips, sweet martabak, or ice cream of course the most powerful way to increase body fat.

Problems at the workplace until family problems can lead to stress. Stress is potentially invites excess fat. Stress makes people want to find a comfort to calm down, one of them with food. Of course it is dangerous if done repeatedly every encounter problems. As a result, fatty deposits in the body flourished.

A lot of people already know with the statement that stress can trigger excessive eating. But not only because of that stress can make you fatter. When the stress hormones cortisol and epinephrine production increased. The presence of these hormones can encourage increased fat storage, especially in the midsection. This hormone is naturally produced only in a short while. But repetitive stress would make a pile more and more fat.

When you are depressed, do not immediately divert your attention to the food. Get used for the body to respond to stress in a way that does not always involve food. Learn breathing techniques that calm the body, a short walk, or munch on low-calorie foods such as fruit or gum. If you have some free time, do activities that can trigger hormonal stress reducers.

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