7 Triggers Difficult to Concentrate

One moment you may have experienced a situation when you have difficulty to concentrate. This condition can happen to anyone regardless of age status.

To find out what the cause, here are seven reasons why your mind is easy to float along with the recommendation of experts:

1. Low levels of hormones.
Difficult to concentrate is a signal that you may be deficient in vitamins or hormones, especially if accompanied with incredible fatigue. "If you are deficient in thyroid hormone, metabolism slows down thus reducing blood flow and function of cells in different parts of the brain," said Dr Orford, Expert Staff of the Mayo Clinic, Preventive Medicine Division, in Scottsdale.

Do this: Make an appointment with your doctor to consult. After that, make a list every time there is a change of health problems to help detect the source of problems related to concentration problems.

"You also can perform more comprehensive medical examination, including blood tests," said Dr Orford. In addition, you can also ask your doctor to examine cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypertension, cholesterol, metabolic syndrome or prediabetes. Because, if not promptly treated, may cause cognitive decline.

2. Hormones defective.
Difficult to concentrate is the most common complaints of women who experience perimenopause, said Kimberly Pearson, MD, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital Center, Women's Mental Health.

Do this: If the other signs pointing to the perimenopause (hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness), to consider short-term hormone replacement therapy.

"Most women who've done it feel like to get back his memory," she said.

3. Drugs Influence.
Some medications such as anti-depressants can affect your mood and concentration when you decide to stop taking them. Antihistamines, for example, sedatives can trigger drowsiness long enough.

Try this: Write down all the medications you are taking and ask your doctor, whether any of the medicines that can cause concentration problems.

4. Cigarette
Besides damaging general health, the effects of smoking also influence your concentration power. The more and longer you smoke, gray matter in the brain more quickly lost. In fact, when trying to quit smoking, you will have trouble concentrating, said Christopher Kahler, Ph.D., of Brown University.

"This is a common smoker’s complaint. But, you will be getting more benefit psychologically if you stop smoking," he said.

Do this: The happier you feel when trying to quit, the more likely you are to succeed, says Kahler. The point is how you can increase your mood.

5. Unhealthy eating.
What you eat have a major impact on mental clarity, said Laura Middleton, PhD, assistant professor of kinesiology at the University of Waterloo in Ontario. Bad eating habits increase the risk of disease, such as obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, and other diseases that can impair cognitive function and lead to obesity, making it more difficult to stay active, which is important for brain health.

Do this: "If it's good for your heart and cardiovascular system, then it is also good for the brain," said Middleton, who advised to adhere to the principles of the Mediterranean diet (a diet high in fish, vegetables, and low in saturated fats and processed foods).

6. High Activity.
Steady job all day behind desk or behind car wheel should not be considered good. The work tends to persist and do not involve physical activity can affect your mind. In order to keep the mind sharp, you have to keep moving. Exercise can increase the production of substances that slow the formation of plaques triggers Alzheimer's disease.

"Need a few weeks to be able to feel the benefits. But, after that you will experience positive changes quickly," said Middleton.

Do this: Perform cardiovascular activity for 30 minutes with a period of 3-5 times a week. "If you can do it for an hour, that's good," said Middleton, who also urged to include weight training. Middleton and colleagues found evidence that by being active throughout the day can help keep your mind sharp.

7. Anxiety disorder.
Excessive anxiety can cause you difficulty concentrating. Because, with a restless your mood, a person usually becomes hyper-vigilant with the surrounding environment.

Do this: If you cannot concentrate because it was too worried, stop doing the job and do something fun to remove the tension in your head, says Susan Nolen-Hoeksema, PhD, professor of psychology department at Yale. Try to go for a walk, trying new recipes, or play with friends.

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